Saturday, February 15, 2025

Lesson in Finishing Other Peoples' Projects

I found these Blocks in a Project Bag at my Quilt Guild.  Seems someone had abandoned it.  There were 8 Blocks with errors in 2 of the Blocks.  I corrected those 2 Blocks, and made a new Block for the center position.  

I found a nice, small Brown print and used it to make Sashing between the Blocks.  Then I rumaged among my Fabric leftovers and found those strips of similarly bright colors (mostly yellows) and added them top and bottom to enlarge it a bit and make it rectangular.  The Brown Sashing Fabric is also used on the back of this Quilt.  A lovely, bright, & quickly made Quilt to donate to Charity.  Good lesson in working with Brights. 

Monday, October 21, 2024

Series # 3 like a Sonja's Window block

 Another recent finish. This was completed this past Summer.  I really love the design this is made from.

This variation has both Sashing & Borders. Others in this Series have varied; one had no sashing, another had different, thinner borders.

Four, Four Two, recent finish

This recently completed top is a new design I just learned.  Goes together quick & easy, needs good contrast. 

I don't know the name of the pattern, but the Design is simple:  a 10" square, sliced at 4" mark, again at the 4" mark, which leaves a remaining 2" strip (the center). A lovely design which goes together quickly. The alternating direction of the strip in the Block lends movement to the design.

It's made from 10" 'layer cakes' as we Quilters call them. 

Lattice: in My Original Fabrics

This is an unusual Quilt in that the Fabrics in it are all of my own, Original Design.

I had them custom printed at Spoonflower & these fabrics, which were not designed to go together ended up working out well together after all.  My designs are currently available for sale at Spoonflower,  my Studio Name there is Little_Karen.  

I learned this Quilt pattern shown by Missiouri Star Quilt Co., Jenny Doan shared it. The design was constructed differently than one might imagine.

A nicely bold & highly graphic little quilt it made me. 


Saturday, May 11, 2024

Simple Simon

A wonderful commercial pattern by Cozy Quilts called 'Simple Simon'.  I made the one on the right first, enjoyed it so much I made a second one, the one on the left using a plaid background.  A fun & easy pattern I saw featured by Donna Jordan of Jordan Fabrics in a YouTube tutorial. 

I consider them Sister Quilts (Floral Sister & Plaid Sister). Also showing their pieced backs.

I pieced the backs for fun and to help use up the scraps from these 2 quilts.  The back on the left uses a Log Cabin adaptation by a fellow quilt guild member Tina B.  

Friday, March 31, 2023

A Recent find: A Batik I made in 1974

 I recently found this in an old Art Portfolio of mine:  I'm kind of amazed at how good this is / was.  Detail / closer up to follow.

I'm pleased to see the nice color combination, how well balanced it was, how beautifully the Batik effects came out around the brown bubble areas.

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Tesselating Batiks

I hadn't posted in a while as I didn't have a working camera.  Now I do, so here's a very recent finish.  A friend had given me one of the Batiked fabrics & several shades of the Browns.  I had more Batiks of my own with compatible patterns and several of the Greens which I had.  The outer border Green is a linen cotton blend, I really like its texture.

Some of the print details, shown before I attached the Binding.  Pictures are Clickable for details.

Here's the reverse.